A skill shortage occurs when employees lack specific skills to achieve a company goal or when there are not enough employees with the needed skill set to reach that goal. Skill shortages negatively impact your company by reducing productivity, morale, and limiting growth. In contrast, skilled employees are dedicated and efficient and are required to stay competitive in severe market conditions and satisfy ever-increasing customer needs. The skills gap is hitting the wood industry hard,…
Employees are a crucial part of any organisation. Training and development should be as important to senior management and CEOs as bringing more customers/sales. In…
The lean approach has taken over the manufacturing world. Each aspect of production has benefited by extracting more from the limited resources available. Consequently, lean practices have proven extremely beneficial to the overall economy. Going Lean has taught manufacturers to minimise waste without compromising productivity or quality by systematically removing processes that do not add value. In lean manufacturing, ‘value’ is any process or action that the customer would be willing to pay for. Let’s…